Ep6: Creating Compelling NPCs

Whether it’s someone that you had planned for your party to interact with or someone that they randomly chose out of the crowd, creating NPCs that help give your story extra depth is important for any role playing game.  But sometimes it can seem daunting to tackle the different personalities, backgrounds and motivations that come with every NPC that gets introduced. So what’s a DM to do?

In this episode of becomingDM, John and Felicia discuss how to create compelling NPCs that will add to your story without killing all of your time for story development.  Whether it’s determining what to do when a player chooses to focus on an NPC that was just supposed to be an extra, building backgrounds for the NPCs you plan to integrate into the story, or creating interesting and unique voices for them there’s a lot of ground to cover in this episode.  Join us as we dive into the psyche of the NPC!

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