A Podcast for Tabletop RPG Dungeon Masters and Players.

Ep93: Helping New Players Choose a Class

Join us as John and Danielle discuss this topic that was suggested by listener Robert Spann! If you’re getting new players to your table, they probably don’t know or understand the differences between the various classes that they can choose from.  In this episode, we discuss different strategies and techniques to help players settle on…
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Ep92: Ending the Game

At some point you may need to end your campaign.  Maybe you’ve come to the logical conclusion of the story for these characters, maybe people are needing to move away.  Whatever the reason, how you end your game can have a big impact on how people look back on the game and you as a…
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Ep91: Laws and Morality

If you think about the world that your characters are moving through, there is probably some sort of legal structure that says what is allowed and what’s not allowed. Within communities of the world there may be a moral structure that is in line with or counter to the laws of the land.  In this…
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Ep90: Running Large Scale Battles Part 2

In part 2 of our Running Large Scale Combat episodes we continue the conversation digging deeper into what happens when the party members take on leadership roles in the military.  Join us as John and Danielle further explore this topic! Got an idea for a future episode?  We’d love to hear it!  Go to https://becomingDM.com/ideas…
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Ep89: Running Large-Scale Combat

Are there large armies clashing in your world? If so, then eventually you may have the party getting involved with fighting them, so knowing how to run large scale combat is a useful skill for DMs.  In this episode of becomingDM, John and Danielle talk about some options for how to run large scale combat…
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Ep88: Running Theater of the Mind Combat

Sometimes you don’t have time to create a map for your combat encounters.  Sometimes the players do something unexpected and get into a fight that you weren’t prepared to put on the table in front of you.  Sometimes you just don’t have enough space to run the combat that you would like with minis and…
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SQ6: How Much Time Does it Take to Plan a Session

We have seen several people curious about how long it actually takes to plan out a session lately.  In this becomingDM side quest, John looks at the factors that can influence how long session planning takes and then reveals his average prep time.  Join us for the side quest!

Ep87: Running Play By Post Games

Are you finding that you have trouble scheduling games with your group and no one seems to be available at the same time?  Or maybe you don’t have the time to dedicate to a single long session.  If that’s the case, consider running play by post games.  In this episode of becomingDM, John and Danielle…
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SQ5: Finding Local Games

Having trouble trying to figure out where to look for players for your game or where to find a game that you can play in or run?  In this becomingDM side quest, John talks about some of his favorite places to look for people for local games.  Join us to find your next game! Got…
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Ep86: Campaign Management

There is a lot of stuff that happens in your games every session.  If you don’t stay on top of managing your campaign, you could end up with players asking to revisit an NPC that you haven’t thought about in months and don’t really remember anything about.  In this episode of becomingDM, John and Danielle…
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